About this Custom Cook
Place the cooling rack on the glass tray, place the meat on the rack, then run stage 1. When complete, run stage 2. If the meat is not ready, then run stage 3.
If you need to use your Brava, you can cancel the cook, use your Brava and then restart the same cook # again. I just put the tray on my counter while I am using my Brava and then reinsert it and restart the cook.
Thicker/larger pieces will require all three cooks, and possibly more (just run stage 3 as many times as necessary).
Thinner pieces may only need the 1st two.
All three cooks are somewhat similar so don't worry if you get them mixed up. I usually start stage 1 in the early evening, then run stage 2 the next morning, and then if necessary stage 3 overnight the 2nd night after stage 2 completes.
Once complete, leave it out on your counter at room temp for 1-2 hours after removing it from the Brava before storing it.