Deep Fried Wings wide display


Deep Fried Wings

Brava Chef Andrew photo
Brava Chef Andrew
39 custom cooks


About this Custom Cook

2 cups cooking oil (canola, vegetable, peanut, etc...)
4 whole wings
8 party wings

1. preheat the oil in the square pan (no wings to start)
2. add your wings (having a little dry rub or marinade should be ok, shake off any excess)
3. initial phase of cook
4. flip wings
5. finish cook, remove wings from oil, add sauce and serve

For subsequent cooks, another round of 4 whole or 8 party wings, Air fry @ 390 for 20 minutes. no need to preheat if the oil has enough residual temperature. flip the wings around 14 minutes.

If using whole wings, start each cook with the majority of the wing in the oil and the wing tips pointing up.