About this Custom Cook
This Cook will allow you to verify that your Brava’s 6 cooking lamps are functioning correctly. .
This is a manual lamp check program.
Download this custom cook into your Brava and then start to cook by pressing the start button. The lamps are tested one at a time. The lamp that is going tobe tested will be listed on the display. Press the START button to test that lamp. After a few seconds you should see an image of the interior of your Brava. If the screen remains black, it means the lamp is likely not functioning properly. Each lamp check lasts only about 20 seconds. After about 20 seconds, the cook will pause, and it will be ready to test the next lamp. This process will repeat a total of 6 times, once for each lamp. As the test switches from one lamp to another, it may take a few seconds for the display to update.
NOTE: When the top lamps are being tested, the image one the screen will be a bit dark. When the bottom lamps are being tested, the image on the screen will be much brighter. This is normal. As long as you see an image of the interior when any particular lamp is being tested, whether it is dark or bright, it means the lamp is working correctly. The intensity doesn't matter. IF a lamp is not working, the screen will be totally dark during that 15- 20 second phase of the test.
Should you find a lamp or lamps that are not turning on, contact Brava for assistance.